Post by Kathy Griffin on Sept 15, 2011 18:46:17 GMT -5
So, I'm uber UBER sad that my Orlandy Wandy is gone....he was my first love....certainly not my only....but...lol I'm sad....wahhhh *said in a Snooki like whine* But anyway, let's move on.
Well....here we go....jury stage F10....and who comes back into the house....
*blank stare* *blink....blink.....blink* *eye roll*
So.....ew.....and let's put into play operation revolving door. She was out for a reason week 1 and she'll be out the same way she came in.
So I'm going to fight harder then ever for this HOH and I hope James does as well. The only people I don't want to win are: Lindsay.....Lindsay......or......Lindsay....ok well possibly Sandra. But mostly Lindsay, oh and Lolly...bitch. I think I can work on Sandra and earn her trust. Lolly, lost cause for me, and Lindsay...yeah...not even going there.
So let's put up our dukes and just get down to it.....
You know the rest.
<3 drink it up, drink it down... firecrotch
Post by Kathy Griffin on Sept 18, 2011 19:30:26 GMT -5
Lindsay....COME and get me.... COME AND GET ME.....
I knew you'd target me....because you're an out first week, no talent, been to rehab and still looks like shit BITCH.
Barack 7:26 pm did James tell you how Lindsay would nom you and him but that you would be her target? I guess Lindsay told Sausage that and then he told James
So go ahead and nominate me, I'll fight for veto and I've got some backup. So we'll see how it goes if you win. If not, I hope your ass gets out the door because you didn't deserve to come back and were out for a reason.
Post by Kathy Griffin on Sept 20, 2011 17:28:00 GMT -5
Well I didn't try as hard as I could have on that luxury challenge. We'll see how others faired out. But I just did not have the time for this one! It'd be nice if Holly Marie, Barack, James, or Sausage would get it. I think that would benefit me greatly.
Pov coming up, and believe me, I'll be fighting it out for that. NO QUESTION. I need to come off or Debra to come off. I think as it stands, I'd be going.
whatever. BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH....<3fc
Post by Kathy Griffin on Sept 21, 2011 19:24:30 GMT -5
I can't wait until everyone can read this post....because...CHRIST ALMIGHTY GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKERS....
Debra....if you fuck me over again....I WILL MESSS YOU UP...SO shadesballs. We're talking right now and you can't even be honest with me. Hmmmm, this seems to be the reason that you evicted ME last season....do you remember that shit?! CAUSE I FUCKING DO!
I just can't take some of these shady, have nothing better to do with their time people.
Yes, I'm the social queen....um....but let's be honest....this season...some people have only been on AIM like....2 times....at least when I'm on.
(PS....i know I'm writing like I'm talking...and sure I talk with ellipses)
ANYWAY, how can I "be friends with everyone" if half of them aren't fucking on?
Whatever, we'll see how veto goes. I have a handful of bitches I trust....the others are a bunch of cowardly inactive liars. SAID IT! Now the seasons over and you're reading this saying...real class Kath! Well heat of the moment happened, and you bitches got the wrath. So take it.....TAKE IT!
How nice is the firecrotch now?
Post by Kathy Griffin on Sept 21, 2011 21:33:16 GMT -5
Now Debra tells me, she's not lobbying for votes if it stays the same.....
And Chris and I are friends...let's hope....I love him but communication wasn't there...we both admitted....
So here's to something looking up....
And I don't just mean when I wear a skirt and Penn has out his compact mirror....shame on you....it's not REALLY on fire Penn.
Post by Kathy Griffin on Sept 22, 2011 9:13:17 GMT -5
Holly Marie, if you ever were my best girlfriend you would come through for me NOWWWW!
I'm hoping that I come down, if not, I pretty much think that I have votes to stay. With Holly, Sausage, James, Barack (who wants to use the extra vote), and most likely Chris. Eve, Sandra, and Lindsay.....can suck my big black....raspberry lollipop...here I just found one, want it?
Now what were you thinking I was going to say? Let's go fircrotch, let's go! AND THE CROWD GOES WILDDDD (because it's mainly made of my gays...hey girl hey!)
Post by Kathy Griffin on Sept 25, 2011 18:08:18 GMT -5
Burn baby burn....firecrotch baby....burn baby burn!
So let's fire this fucking motherfucker up and get this next HOH. No need to be pussyfooting around and letting "borewhores" win.
Everyone seemed to have voted as they also said they would. So Sandra and Lindsay, watch out. Sandra I'm not after, at least she honest and said she was voting to evict me.
So we'll see....but Lindsay, you know revolving door is still in effect....and it'll happen.